A cube has eleven nets, that is, there are eleven ways to flatten a hollow cube by cutting seven edges. To colour the cube so that no two adjacent faces have the same colour, one would need at least three colours. The cube can be cut into six identical square pyramids. If these square pyramids are then attached to the faces of a second cube, a rhombic dodecahedron is obtained (with pairs of coplanar triangles combined into rhombic faces).
A cube has eleven nets, that is, there are eleven ways to flatten a hollow cube by cutting seven edges. To colour the cube so that no two adjacent faces have the same colour, one would need at least three colours. The cube can be cut into six identical square pyramids. If these square pyramids are then attached to the faces of a second cube, a rhombic dodecahedron is obtained (with pairs of coplanar triangles combined into rhombic faces).
If two opposite corners of a cube are truncated at the depth of the three vertices directly connected to them, an irregular octahedron is obtained.
CUBIQUE designed by hippl